Monday, October 25, 2010

Drip Project

This was a very interesting and invigorating project. We were to take a picture of ourselves, print it off, and use water to "melt" the ink in a curtain direction. Check it out my peeps.
Comment please. I would like to here your thoughts. ^_^

Small People, Big World

This project was more about sculpture and photography. We had to take a photo of small people in a large area (very simpliphied).

8/28/10 - Collage

I think i did pretty well on this project. We were suppost to make a collage of photos to make a human form. I have had this project done for a while I just have been falling behind on my blog so . . . yeah. I have been told that the longer you look at this picture the more you see the FAMOUS person in the picture. Do you who it is?