Friday, December 17, 2010

Illustraitor Self-Portrait in patterns

I give this project an A+ for all the new skills I obtained through it. This project took a little self-indulging to figure what would make myself look sufisticated yet also mildly crazy. lolz. Check out me in all my craziness. :P
Comment. I'ld like to hear your thoughts on my art work. ^_^ thanks.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Drip Project

This was a very interesting and invigorating project. We were to take a picture of ourselves, print it off, and use water to "melt" the ink in a curtain direction. Check it out my peeps.
Comment please. I would like to here your thoughts. ^_^

Small People, Big World

This project was more about sculpture and photography. We had to take a photo of small people in a large area (very simpliphied).

8/28/10 - Collage

I think i did pretty well on this project. We were suppost to make a collage of photos to make a human form. I have had this project done for a while I just have been falling behind on my blog so . . . yeah. I have been told that the longer you look at this picture the more you see the FAMOUS person in the picture. Do you who it is?

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Digimi - 8/20/10

This is my digi-me. I made it on All I did was upload a photo of myself in to digimi and customized it with glasses and such. Making a digimi is both cool and creepy. It's weird because it looks nothing like you when you start. after that u are amazed at how realistic it is.